Final Conference Building E-COMpetencies at School

Darica District Directorate of National Education

The BE-COMS (Building E-COMpetencies at School) project, funded by the Erasmus+ program, began in March 2022 and this hybrid final conference aimed to disseminate the overall results of the project, involving 60 local and 40 international participants. 

At this event, we aimed to communicate and share the work that had been done for the development of digital and entrepreneurial skills among teachers and young students.

Furthermore, during the event, the winners of the hackathon and peerlabs for students had the opportunity to present their ideas to a board of experts and the invited stakeholder audience, receiving guidance and feedback on their proposals for future development and implementation through expert mentoring and open discussion.

Additionally, during the Final Conference, the project partners were able to meet with different stakeholders to discuss the most important results of the project and create synergies between students, teachers, and experts in order to promote the methodologies and skills capable of dealing with the digital challenge and the culture of integration at a global level.

The following are some helpful links regarding the project:



